Elena Baturina invests tens of millions of euros in the future of energy
Owned by Elene Baturinoy Inteco Beteiligungs company continues to develop the project to obtain, use and sale of renewable energy in Europe. According to a number of European media, in October, the Austrian company has completed the acquisition of another solar park in Greece, near the town of Pharsalus, reports NewsRBk.ru News.
According to previously voiced plans, the total investment structure Elena Baturina in the project could reach € 20 million in the coming year. Company officials estimate the profitability of the acquired fleet of € 500,000 annually.
Experts note that the use of the amount of energy that is produced by a relatively small solar park in Pharsalus, will annually avoid the emission of 800 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Press secretary businesswoman Gennady Terebkov confirmed the deal and said that the main focus of the joint venture is the construction and commercial operation of solar parks in the south and south-east Europe - so to the field in Greece for the project was purchased solar park in Italy.
Currently, the company is considering a number of proposals to expand capacity; Preparations for the acquisition of new sites that will significantly enhance the capacity of the produced solar energy.
Earlier this year, Elena Baturina, in an interview with the Austrian edition of Wirtschaftsblatt said: "The future of the project, we see not only in increasing the number of parks and a corresponding expanding production capacity, but also in the spread of technologies that would optimize spend and save the received energy."
No less interesting entrepreneur named another direction of development of its energy project: the installation and operation of individual solar systems directly on the roofs of energy consumption enterprises. "A number of these contracts is in the process of signing, so it's possible we will soon exceed the stated project for investment", - she said.
After the sale in 2011 of its main asset in Russia - building holding "Inteko" - and the transfer of the main part of the business operations in Europe Elene Baturinoy manage quite successfully to develop the West commercial projects of various subjects: Hospitality (a network of 4 hotels in Ireland , Austria, the Czech Republic and Russia), the construction of the membrane system (Germany), as well as participation in various foreign real estate investment funds.
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