Tuesday, January 23, 2018



FrameMaster500 - skalpingovaya an advanced system based on several indicators and significant graphics models. It uses a flexible money management and implement long-term investors' strategy.

Dynamic algorithms ensure smooth changes of complex trading scenarios. Two independent safety systems ensure the necessary investment protection. The guarantee margin is monitored in real time, and Losslimit option specifies the weekly loss of trading capital. Using panels and visual effects displayed state of the market for this system, which provides awareness of the current situation in the market.

The user interface is divided into 5 areas of management.

Control Panel

  • DisplayingDashboard - activation panel at a value of true; in the upper left corner of the screen will be a well-structured panel.

  • Boardsize - the panel can be displayed in 4 sizes from 1 to 4 (from small to large).

  • Fontcolor - the color of the font on the panel (blue steel).

  • Sectioncolor - the color of the section on the panel (silver).

  • Backgroundcolor - on the panel background color (black).

  • DisplayingReport - activation FrameReport options at the value true; every week on the chart will display a report on the work.

  • TesterTemplate - in tester mode, you can start with a favorite pattern. Just write the name of the template.

  • MagicNumber - to select the number to your taste. Note: while the value does not change.

  • WriteEventProtocol - activation of the event log at a value of true; the event log is created every week. Note: WriteEventProtocol activate the option at each real operation.

  • EraseEventProtocol - if true, it is possible to erase the current protocol events.

Money management

  • AutomaticManagement - If true, it calculated the percentage of trading capital. Note: in the fifth field of management, this percentage is divided by the value Orderlimit. For example, [1% = 1 lot / Orderlimit (5) = 0.2 lots order].

  • ProgressiveMode - Activate using the true value ProgressiveMode option to gradually increase the order of the lot in a trending market. The system counts the number of orders over the weekend. The first two stages of the order lot size is doubled, the subsequent steps is added lot size order with the first step. Current stage of payment is displayed on the panel.

  • Percentage - the required percentage of commercial capital. The corresponding values ​​from 0.1 to 0.5%.

  • Lotlimit - maximum permitted lot.

  • Fixedlot - deactivating the automatic management at a value of false; the number of lots is determined by the operator.

Limiting losses

  • Margincall - the minimum size of commercial capital. If you exceed the loss of value of all orders are closed, and the system turns off by itself.

  • LossLimit - weekly losses as a percentage of commercial capital. If you exceed the loss of value of warrants will be closed, and the system goes into sleep mode. At the beginning of the next trading week sleep mode is automatically switched off. The corresponding values ​​from 5 to 50%.


  • Signalspacings - Signal distance to key levels in points. The corresponding values ​​from 1 to 20.

  • Markup - range of the signal, recorded on a certain market phases at the weekly opening price, in points. The corresponding values ​​from 15 to 50.

Limitation of orders

  • Orderlimit - the number of orders at the same time held a week. The corresponding values ​​from 3 to 10.

  • Orderspacings - distance from the order to the order in points. The corresponding values ​​from 5 to 50.

  • Waitbyopening - distance from orders to order in bars. The corresponding values ​​from 1 to 5.

  • Waitbyclosure - sleep when closing orders in bars. The corresponding values ​​from 0 to 10.

Input parameters are optimized for EURJPY H4 and can not be changed. All technical indicators are fixed timeframe H4.

You can read the description of the different options in the "Discussion" tab.



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