Saturday, January 13, 2018

Oreshkin Putin accepted an offer to head the Ministry of Economic Development

Oreshkin Putin accepted an offer to head the Ministry of Economic Development

President Vladimir Putin proposed to 34-year-old Deputy Finance Minister Maxim Oreshkin head the Ministry of Economic Development, he agreed.

"Maxim S., you are working not so long ago, but in general has a lot, and are working successfully. I want to offer you the post of minister of economic development ", - Putin said.

"I agree," - said Oreshkin.

Thus, Oreshkin became the youngest minister in the current cabinet - it is a month younger than the head of the Ministry of Communications Nikolai Nikiforov.

During the conversation Oreshkin told the president that the Deputy Minister of Finance is working for almost two years, and previously was the director of the Treasury Department and worked in the banking sector (in the "VTB Capital", the Central Bank and Rosbank).

Putin asked him about what is now the most important in the work of the ministry, which he headed.

The main objective for the coming year - is to prepare the key measures which will remove the structural obstacles to the growth of the Russian ekonomikiMaksim Oreshkin

The President wished him luck.

Minister of economic development appeared free November 15, after President Putin uvolilAlekseya Ulyukaevav due to the loss of confidence. Ulyukayev detained red-handed while accepting a bribe of two million dollars for your positive feedback LED for the purchase of "Rosneft" state shares "Bashneft".

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