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Many know the overall structure of the wave of market movement.
mpulsy 5-wave correction 3 volnovye.No it is not so, according to our kontseptsii.Impulsy can be extended as much as necessary, and korrektsii.Prichem notion of wave level is also quite subektivnoe.Esli models fit into a certain general framework, it is greatly simplified treydera.Poetomu task should not look for a model.
The use of indicators also vernoe.Indikatory should play the role of a filter, not bolee.Ispolzovanie indicator as an entry rule, release, or support of the transaction must be tested statistically.
It is a lack of understanding of the concept of use and generates a lot of controversy about the principles torgovli.Konechno price does not go to indikatoru.Indikator follows tsenoy.No can be used.
Who studied in detail the market movement, and tested trading advisors faced with the fact that different parts of the Counselor demanded different nastroek.Eto associated with changes in market dvizhenie.Mozhno trace the general sequence:
- volatility change
- Due to the change in liquidity
- Due to the presence of technical factors
- Pro because of the presence of basic factors.
We will not understand these details.
For ourselves, we determine that movement in the market is changing two parameters:
- Moving time
- The amplitude of the movement
The derivative of the two values is called phase dvizheniya.Imenno on the ratio of these parameters occurs dvizhenie.I they change over time.
While some robots using moving average as a determinant of the direction of the test results will be getting high with different periodom.Poskolku market breathes and changes its kolebaniya.Ispolzovanie adaptive medium improves performance, but still require regular optimization.
The tool motion is shown as follows.
Compare the length of impulse and correction in the figure.
When changes occur when reversals occur it has ever known.
What is more important:
- understanding that the market changes
- that there is no universal systems
- that the systems require testing and adjustment
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