Thursday, November 2, 2017

Demand And Supply Diagram MT5

Demand And Supply Diagram MT5

The balance of supply and demand - quite simple and effective method of market analysis.

In advance, even before the trend reversal chart of supply and demand tells us where to finish the sentence and already emerging demand, where demand is ended and already emerging proposal, significantly increasing the likelihood of the deal in the right direction and with high profit factor.

indicator signals

Indicator outputs four major signals:

  • ND (No demand) - there is no demand;

  • NS (No supply) - there is no demand;

  • ED (Excess demand) - excess demand (for VSA theory - the culmination of the proposal);

  • ES (Excess supply) - excess supply (VSA for the theory - the culmination of demand).

and stores and analyzes the sequence of these signals, determines the region most likely suitable for entry into a transaction and outputs an additional text message - "buy area" or "sell area". Make a final decision about entering into a transaction is recommended on the basis of signals from at least two time frames - current and older.

input variables

  • Alerts - switches on / off signals to the duplication window alerts, as well as a Push-messages;

  • Advise - enable / disable shopping tips;

  • Labels - enables / disables the signal marks on the chart;

  • Drawing - turns on / off the display entirely chart (Alerts and Advise retain their functionality, if included);

  • TfShift - a shift period applied;

  • Position - location diagram which is based on the time scale;

  • Volumes - the type of volume, tick or real, if they are broadcast by the broker;

  • LowLevelValue - value below which volume is considered low, given as a percentage;

  • LowestLevelValue - value below which the volume would be considered very low, given as a percentage;

  • HighLevelValue - value above which it would be considered high volume is given in percentage;

  • HighestLevelValue - value above which volume is considered very high, given as a percentage;

  • LeftShiftPix - offset to the left diagram is given in pixels of the monitor;

  • WidthPix - Chart width in pixels is given by the monitor;

  • FontSize - font size;

  • Parts - the number of chart sectors, which is based on the time scale.

Other variables are to adjust the color and thickness of lines, and their purpose becomes clear from their names.

Features of the indicator

Volumes in the diagram displayed as a percentage.

The indicator is building diagram of supply and demand for each individual chart period.

  • In the period M1 is a chart for the last 15 minutes (15 candles);

  • On the period M5 - the last hour (12 candles);

  • On the M15 period - over the past four o'clock (16 candles);

  • On the M30 period - in the last eight hours (16 candles);

  • For the period H1 - for the last day (24 candles, but depends on the duration of the working day);

  • On H4 period - in the last week (30 candles);

  • On the D1 period - for the last month (22 candles);

  • On the period W1 - for the last quarter (13 candles);

  • On the period MN - for the last year (12 candles).

Input variable TfShift applied next shift period, resulting in a graph which is built on the time scale, it becomes more extensive and detailed.

  • In the period M1 is a chart for the last hour (60 candles);

  • On the period M5 - over the past four o'clock (48 candles);

  • On the M15 period - in the last eight hours (32 candles);

  • On the M30 period - for the last day (48 candles, but depends on the duration of the working day);

  • For the period H1 - for the last week (120 candles);

  • On H4 period - for the last month (132 candles);

  • In the period D1 - in the last quarter (66 candles);

  • On the period W1 - for the last year (52 candles);

  • On the period MN - chart is not built.

Full conversion chart is done once per minute, check if a signal is produced on each tick. Indicator performs the calculations and monitors the signals at the same time for all schedule periods.

The line thickness of which is set as zero is not shown and is not involved in the formation signals.

Indicator admissible chart scrolling and viewing charts and its signals to history.

Alerts and trading tips are issued for periods ranging from current and up.

The indicator is suitable for use on any trading symbol.

Demand And Supply Diagram MT5

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