Grail is ready!
Demo do not spread - tomorrow give to the publication in the Market, where to download, anyone interested.This default instance will be set up under the oil for automatic operation.
Brent or WTI - no matter whose behavior they are similar, the difference in the level of prices is irrelevant.
Hiding things are not very necessary, so as not to strain those who strain is not in a rush, the basic configuration is still left open.
The reason - the first character of the trend of the oil may change, and secondly by a thread of another similar instrument, if desired can be rebuilt.
The machine can work with small deposits. And can be from hundreds, if very carefully and under supervision.
After reaching the level of 400-500 dollars, you can stop the vigil, not merge. If the lot is not put beyond, of course.
On nefttorgovalas run in both directions the same lot, it is essentially because perhaps it's time to prepare for the long first outset with a large amplitude, then the rising trend. Well at least there has to buy than to build;) I think that these settings will be valid for at least six months.
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