Monday, November 27, 2017

In China, receive electricity from ... old bills!

In China, receive electricity from ... old bills!

the invention can be found everywhere. But here
recently, Chinese companies have just
surprised - Energy Corporation
used the dilapidated withdrawn from circulation
and damaged banknotes to receive
electricity. This innovation appears
in the urban district of Luoyang in the west
Henan province. The initiator of the experiment
- Department of the Central Bank of China in
Zhengzhou city.

banknotes burn and it can give
approximately 1.3 million kilowatt-hours
of electricity a year, saving
This 4 th. tons of coal. this news
He told the newspaper "People's Daily".

At first
old banknotes ground in the branches
banks, then they are sent to energy
companies. Those that burn pulverized
mass and from each ton of bank notes
receive an energy of about 660 kilowatt-hours.
Process fixed to the camera. Till
Needless to say, the resulting
energy will be enough for all the needs, but how
successful experiment may well
amiss - repeat technology
collected in other localities

By the way,
Similar methods for generating unusual
electricity - are not uncommon. For example,
in Germany there is power, which
It converts the excess energy from the sun
or wind power plants in the natural
methane gas. The resulting gas is used
already in the existing gas infrastructure.
Taiwan scholar Yen Hsun Wu invented,
how to turn the lights in the trees - he
introduces into the cells listtev nanoparticles
gold, thereby achieving their
bioluminescence. France created
Biofuel element with two enzyme
electrodes, which uses glucose
and oxygen as fuel. it is connected
a living plant, and he converts
chemical energy plants (generated
during photosynthesis) into electricity.

Further - more
interesting. In the UK, scientists
We learned how to produce electricity from
"Coca-Cola" and created charger
for mobile phones.
Curiously, the phone can be operated
"on Coca-Cola" 4 times longer than
a conventional battery. energy is obtained
from any cold chemical degradation
liquid with sugar and a special
enzyme. In the world there are still many
interesting inventions, including
the use of other renewable
energy sources.

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